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Primeninja223 last won the day on August 15

Primeninja223 had the most liked content!

About Primeninja223

  • Birthday December 14

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Primeninja223's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. @Modonmitrya you won the auction. let me know when you available to trade
  2. auction ends in 40 minutes
  3. Starting offer: 100k Min bid : 50k Insta : 1m Auction ends 24hrs after first bid Accepted payments : -pokedollars -cc = 400k
  4. Starting offer: 500k Min bid : 100k Insta : 1.8m Auction ends 24hrs after first bid Accepted payments : -pokedollars -cc = 400k
  5. @Memekidxd you won gible let me know when you available to trade
  6. @Winterlemon won starmie. gible ends in approx 7hours
  7. 1hour and 20 min left approx for starmie
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