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  1. finnaly got unstuck ty i tried vpn didnt work i dont even know why it works now x)
  2. i dont own one but i will try im located in france is the location a problem?
  3. hello guys none of that i have a decent connection without vpn i tested everything the problem comes from the game my char glitched i cant use items and even the game console couldnt help me a mod tried sending me to PC but he couldnt
  4. hello plz i need to get my char unstuck i disconnected last night on route 16 i didnt even do the elite 4 yet and when i logged today i found myself there unable to move or to do anygame action a discord mod told me to try things nothing worked (batteling vs players, console debug ) so here i am making the post here please help me and ty ( serv : gold username : theomars99)
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