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  1. Close ty
  2. There is a way for soft reset this part of the quest or the whole event for me? Even if i`ve to start again is worth for Darkrai and less than 5 faint reward.
  3. https://gyazo.com/ffcbe03651120c9ea3e3d6840cdcb7b9
  4. https://gyazo.com/2afc2a6343b6b7df8aba485979f71a78
  5. https://gyazo.com/3e7ec1df340a88d94ee06a8ee5cee163
  6. How can i return to the dark realm? Horon refuse to blattle and Alucard is not in the Castle.
  7. Hello, I was on dark real, i lost connection and when i log back a message: "Pokemon get back" or similar but it tp me on Vermilion with only the pokemon usable in the dark real.
  8. I've been looking for a way to ask for help with my problem but i ve not found any similar, I hope I'm not wrong, in case sorry. I made the wrong cottonee evolve and now I can't take it in a team against the bosses because ive already one Whimsicott. Would it be possible to reverse it to the first evolution? Username: Corvonero Server: Silver Pokemon name: Whimsicott Pokemon ID 51146504 https://gyazo.com/08110e054f46859886eb037d0a1081c5
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