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  1. Selling/trading this kingdra, I take rc, cc, mounts, events and other stuff. My discord is Bub#4466. ING is ClubStep
  2. Hello, im looking to trade my xmas dragonite mount for a xmas garchomp mount or 1 cc. I can add some stuff like rc or items.
  3. closed, Djsakib wins 800k, sorry for late reply, will post screenshot soon
  4. Also you edited my auction saying c.o. is 600k, but isn't it 800k, is it because I didn't provide evidence for start?
  5. So I cant take any rr tickets rc, or cc from now on since they weren't there at the creation of my auction yes? And on the 200k increments, everytime somone offers higher, I have to send it? So example, if another guy offers 1m, I have to send the screenshot of the evidence and put "1m > 800k" or just add the new price next to it? Sorry that I broke the auction rules, I did not mean to, its my first time holding an auction.
  6. Sorry i dont have the screen shot for the start
  7. [Poke78776389] Auction / c.o 800k by Djsakib / min 200k / insta 5m / end in 31 hrs
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