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  1. Dont misunderstand me here i dont want to start a topic; this is a place where everybody can share his opinion and no one should hesitate to vow -1 to my suggestion if they feel so, but please give me a short feedback why you think so. I may not seeing things from all points and reading what others thinking could also change my point of view. Thanks
  2. Bump
  3. Hey all, i would like to suggest a harder Mode for Bosses because i dont feel a real challenge in the current Hard Mode, cause once you knew the Boss Pokes and their Moves/Items, you can only lose because of crits or side effects (flinch/frozen) for example: Choiced Boss Pokes with Non-Damage Moves or weak moves but type advantage are easily to outplay. Also once you are buffed, its just a rush trough. For a Extreme Mode, there could be banned Moves/Combinations/Items or a rotating of Items/Moves/Pokes of Bosses so you dont know whats await you. Do note i dont complain about the current hard mode its still well balanced and you could keep that, im just lookin for a bigger challenge and dont mind if it means to lose sometimes (and also dont mind bigger rewards). Edit: To make it more interesting for the community there could be implemented a ranking system. For me, the one thing is missing is a PVE competition and in PVP you get a trophy, but the top 3 players who won the most battles in extreme mode could get something like a for all visable star in their trainercard (gold,silver,bronze) or a different name colour, but only the current leader of the top 3 so theres always a competition. Also once in a month, the player with the most wins in extreme mode could get a reward like non tradeable IV lock RR or equal. Thanks for reading, have a blessed day.
  4. @Youssef007i implemented alternative paymethods, feel free to take a look.
  5. Welcome to my small shop, dear Trainers, i hope you might find something you are lookin for. As you can see, not all Pokes have a prepared moveset and if you want, i teach any of my Pokes i offer here for 500k+ your prefered moveset for free. ( I do not max. PP) Thank you for stepping by, have a blessed day. Accepted Paymethods: Rare Candy: 7.5k Coin Capsule: 350k IV-RR: 700k 300k 300k 300k 400k 400k 400k 400k (forgive me if the EV spread dont fit the meta, i was bored.) 500k 550k 550k 600k 600k 600k 800k 850k 1m2 2m
  6. Up
  7. Would it be possible, that if when you type the name of a map, it suggest you the maps based on what you typed for example; if i type rou, then it shows me all route maps. At the moment you have to type the full name of any map and its just a detail, but may an update worth? Thanks
  8. Hey Guys, i want to sell some of my Pokes. I hope i made the prices fair, but based on my experience in trade chat, they are all worth millions. Thank you for stepping by and have a nice day. Zinuru 300k 300k 400k 550k 550k 600k 650k 700k 850k 900k 1m
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