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Huy987252's Achievements



  1. 2cc for gilgar
  2. Welcome to Huy987252 Coinshop Black Medallion (BMS) = 170k/1 Coincapsule (CC) = 410k/1 Exp Boost 72 Hour = 90k/1 Small Medallion (MS) = 210k/1 Magic Mirror = 210k/1 Selling Rock Climb Tool, Rock Smash Tool, Dive Tool, Waterfall Tool, Flash Tool, Cut Tool = 320k each My discord is: Kr4mson#0954
  3. Welcome to Huy987252 Coinshop Black Medallion (BMS) = 170k/1 Coincapsule (CC) = 410k/1 Exp Boost 72 Hour = 90k/1 Small Medallion (MS) = 210k/1 Magic Mirror = 210k/1 Selling Rock Climb Tool, Rock Smash Tool, Dive Tool, Waterfall Tool, Flash Tool, Cut Tool = 320k each
  4. accept friend request Kr4mson#0954
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