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  1. come online now, vermi
  2. @Suncity im Online now if you want do the trade. Vermi
  3. Online now if you want do the trade
  4. On Trade denef
  5. @Suncityyou win the auction
  6. Bump, around 3 hour left
  7. Auction Details: Start Price: 500k End Point: 24 hour after start Insta Price: 3M Minimum Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars Accept bid from Silver server but the player must transfer to gold if they win
  8. Since no one start the bid yet after 24 hour i will close the auction. Thank you for those that visit the auction and offer the deal in pm to buy direct. i will just put this poke in my shop https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/245251-denef-pvp-shop/#comment-1487080 and considered to auction again if there many request for it. Thank you
  9. Auction Details: Start Price: 5M End Point: - Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 500k) Accept bid from Silver server but the player must transfer to gold if they win
  10. bump
  11. Bump
  12. did you ever try that dungeon yet? did you know at the time most player that already get hoopa actually solo the dungeon? the dev actually fulfill the req by the player that req for solo dungeon instead of party. so here they give us option which you can clear them as solo or party. the size of dungeon scale by how big your party is. so if solo the room is less and kinda easy which is you just need to figure out the strategy yourself. so at least try the dungeon first before complaining about "to catch hoopa you need to clear dungeon as party". Explore the game thats what the dev want player to do * you actually can solo the Pinkan and Lavender too, just need big brain to create good strategy. at the time the only dungeon that i know cannot be complete without party is only Crater dungeon (victini) and Xmas event dungeon (light stone for reshi).
  13. Bump
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