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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. everything goes allright thanks again for everything. tyra sold
  2. ok i am on now too
  3. Yes ofc we can make it you can send me on discord DoggoBI#0215 i have upload and action on forum on other poke and i have link it on gold and silver server so you can find me either. True we have another timezone
  4. It is tyranitar know can you wait a mod for i clarify if everything is ok that i made it evolve and ev train?
  5. it can be closed thanks again everyone that has been bid
  6. i will be too at work. but i working at morning is ok send me message when you can and i will find you
  7. hayoungie won when you are online tell me
  8. 500k s.o min bid 100k 2 days action accept cc 350k each
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