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  1. 1cloudz wins the auction! whats your discord so itl be more easy to communicate?
  2. Start Offer: 100k Min Bid: 50k Duration: 48 hours after the first bid accept only pokedollars
  3. Auction ended and won by Oblivionwingnsk for insta 4m
  4. What do you mean by 2050 so I could updated the c.o in game
  5. action ended and won by E9ve51 for 200k
  6. Ok Im pretty new to the whole auction thing sorry il do my best so it wont happen again thx for pointing it out
  7. hi starting offer is 100k min raise 100k insta 4m ends in 48h after the first bid I accept CC = 400k, RR = 500k and Pokedollars. gl to everybody
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