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  1. Trade with gato666 is done, this topic will close right now
  2. Congratulations gato666 you are the winner of the shiny zubat auction, please contact me or in game : kingtopza to complete the transaction
  3. Congratulations gato666 you are the winner of the shiny zubat auction, please contact me or in game : kingtopza to complete the transaction
  4. I feel really happy beacuse everyone came here and join my auction. The winner is Gato666 with bid is 3m4. I will close this topic after complete trade with Nuera. Have a good day and enjoy the game :))
  5. Note gato 1m9
  6. Thanks for your reminder Shiningshade, i will fix it now.
  7. sorry let me check it again, i think i have some problem when i calculation time
  8. bump :))
  9. Note 19:32PM GTM + 7
  10. Note 1:32AM GMT +7
  11. note 10 AM GMT + 7
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