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  1. I went to the same npc in goldenrod and bought the macho brace for 20k. This should be fine now. Thanks
  2. I got macho brace by trading for a machop with an npc that held the item. Can I trade again to get the item ? If not then how can i get the item again ?
  3. I don't know when exactly the item went missing. But I noticed the item missing when ev training in Route 31. I also used snubbull in victory road. For ev training I battled against sentret, nuzleaf and shiftry. I might have battled zubat and golbat as well.
  4. Hi, This is my first post and I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for support. My snubbull was holding a macho brace and suddenly I don't see it holding any item. Is this a bug or did it perhaps drop it during battle ? How can I get it back ?
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