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  1. S/O 200k / Min Raise: 50k / End Point: 48 hrs after starting the offer must allow a reasonable amount of time after the last bet.
  2. https://gyazo.com/ac537dfcb8c0e10cdc15092bce513034 closed
  3. S/O 50k Minraise: 20k End 48hrs after first bid, must allow a reasonable amount of time from last bid
  4. https://gyazo.com/b17b4c472cb176d5ba3bf1afe126c6b6 S/O 500k Min Raise 10k Ends : 48hrs after first bid
  5. Start Point/Price: 50k S/O End Point: 48 hrs after starting off or 12/11/24 9:30 EST Min. Raise: 25k Accepted Payment(s):$$,CC,Rerolltickets
  6. start: 25k, min raise: 25k, insta:500k, ends: 24hrs after first bid
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