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Flaggpunsch last won the day on October 2 2023

Flaggpunsch had the most liked content!

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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Mudkip started by ceff, auction ends in 36h
  2. Both auctions end 36h after start No insta Start: 500k Min Bid: 100k Start: 300k Min Bid 50k
  3. Hi we might need a trade mod but i believe kisslove won the auction at 650k
  4. Started at 500k by Russodx. Auction ends 12/05 - 18:20 CET
  5. Start: 300k Current Bid: 600k by Legitly Min Bid: 50k Auction end 18h after start No Insta
  6. Pink Rhyhorn and Event Abra sold to M0vistar for 230k
  7. 2 Klefki sold to Laviter for 400k
  8. Hi and welcome to my shop, were you find various special Pokémon. Shiny, pink, and events! Contact: IGN: Pontusjpp99 You can also contact me through the forum or leave a message here Accepted payments other than pokedollars: Coin Capsule: 420k Iv Reroll Ticket: 550k Nature Reroll Ticket: 270k Rare Candy: 6k Shiny Pink Event
  9. The shop has been reopened, small stock for now. Will update later
  10. Auctions separate, not a bundle Start 400k Min bid: 50k C.O: 400k by leeluckya No insta Auction end 24h Start: 600k Min bid: 100k No insta Auction end 24h after start
  11. Auction for skarmory is won by @Boomsmoke, please come online and message me at pontusjpp99 so we can complete the trade
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