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Riohei's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hi, im online for the next hours, let me know when u come online
  2. Hi, can u make these two 250k? or maybe 270k?
  3. hi, i'd like to buy this one
  4. Hi! I'd like to buy that floatzel!
  5. Added a bunch of pokes
  6. Auction is over... Kiklan won.
  7. 2.9m by Kiklan
  8. 2.7m by Donovater
  9. 2.1m by Shuby
  10. 1.9m by Skillywifi
  11. 1.7m by Nathji1723
  12. 1.5m by Yedyed
  13. Start Point | 1m End | 48 hours after first bid Min Bid Raise | 200k No Insta Accepted payments | Pokedollar
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