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Everything posted by Gasonmyhands

  1. Update: It wasn't pickup, it just happened again on a different Zigzagoon with Quick Feet. It was a Seedot with hidden ability Pickpocket, unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the battle log and only noticed it after defeating the Seedot. This time I left Shadowplay running so I have a video: https://youtu.be/LfZpqg5t_Ss Thief, Covet, and Knock off only steal/remove the item for the duration of the fight if I recall correctly so is it intended that Pickpocket doesn't? If it isn't I would really like to get those 2 Leftovers back, though I understand that that might take a few weeks.
  2. Hi everyone, A held Leftovers on my Zigzagoon with ID 77954386 with Pickup just disappeared, I know I had 4 Leftovers before and now I have 3 after unequipping them all. Logging out and back in didn't help. Here's a list of stuff I did in between being sure the item is there and noticing it's gone: - encounter and defeat multiple wild pokemon on route 102 while looking for a Ralts - level up to lv11 and learn Headbutt(replacing Tackle), moveset now: Headbutt Sand-Attack Tail Whip Cut - a wild Ralts tracing my Pickup ability - Headbutt two trees and defeat the Taillows inside After that I noticed the Leftovers missing. It doesn't know any flinging moves and I didn't fight any Thief/Covet pokemon, though that also shouldn't delete the item after the fight. My best guess is that it's a quirk with the way Pickup was disabled and that system accidentally deleted a previously held item, guess I'll catch one with Gluttony. Any similar experiences? Any chance I'll get my leftovers back?
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