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  1. 1m by @Thekaypee
  2. 100k by @Ossiel32
  3. 50k by @Lordleo100
  4. S.o changed
  5. - start auction: 200k - duration: 2days after first bid - min bid: 25k - Accept rr 580k, natrr 350k, bms 170k, ms 190k, rc 7k - No insta - Gl people
  6. -start auction: 50k -min bid 10k -no insta -duration: 24h after first bid -accept rc 7k rr 600k naturr 350k bms 160k -good luck people
  7. Yes. Calle me on Game pls
  8. 300k by @Reyc0ringa
  9. 170k by @Justof
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