Oh I didn't realise that was a thing thank you, I rushed Nidoking because I had a moon stone already, I'll bear that in mind for Growlithe. Is it better then to hold off on evolving Ivysaur and Pidgeot when they reach the level to evolve?
I'm relatively knew and my current team is Ivysaur Psyduck Growlithe Onix Nidoking Pidgeot, but I'm finding Psyduck absolutely useless as he dies before he can do anything even when he has the type advantage. Which water type would better fit my team, I'm also open to suggestions outside of those two I can just get them at vermilion city where I currently am.
That's odd, I'm definitely on route one and my pidgey definitely has no items.
I must just be getting super unlucky then?
Or do the rattatas have to be a certain level?
EDIT: Just got my first one, I was just unlucky, thanks for the help
I'm new and doing the officer Jenny quest to collect 3 rattatta hair. But I've killed around 10 with the move thief and none have given me anything? How does it work?