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  1. LMAO
  2. Okay! Good to know, ill look for it. Thanks!
  3. Well, i dont have cut lol. Where can i get it? And also, Im not sure where i can sell the nuggets i found? Thank you and Lyn1311!
  4. Thanks! I just bought it! I still have enough coins for either the pickaxe or the axe. What do you suggest? Thanks! :3
  5. That's a really nice tips! I havent think about that. I shall find a pokemon with the DIG capacity! Also, I will not evolve my pokemon yet, then! Thank you!
  6. Hi! I had to write down something about it after seeing a staff member anwsering to a donator ''If you dont like it, dont play it... Don't whine about it because you donated'' or something like that... I know, as people said on this forum, the game is not supposed to be a game played by 6 years old, now that most of pokéfans are all grown up... its a challenging mmo. Well, im a grown-up, but my little brain finds the game hard and grindy and my point is : 1. not to ''Whine about it'' but to find solutions to enjoy the game more. 2. to let staff members know that they shouldnt say to their players who complains about the difficulty ''If you dont like it, dont play it''... Staff members should know that we all like PRO, otherwise we wouldnt be here on the forum. We just want the game to improve for our sake, as a player and a donater. End of the parenthesis. Well, my main point is to discuss about the difficulty of the game. Do you think its too hard or is it just my little brain that finds it grindy? The game is challenging, for sure. But i find it hard to a point that i start enjoying the game a bit less and maybe it's because i dont play correctly, (i hope). Do you have any advices to make the first towns easier? I grinded alots for my bulbasaur to lvl up and yet, its still not strong enough to beat some of the npc's pokemons. Yes, I said bulbasaur! I know i should have taken charmender, but i tought too much ppl was taking it, didnt want to be mainstream and now im stuck with the leaffy frog. lol I attached my team below. Is it good to switch party members often (what i do), or should i stay fixed on the same party members so they have the time to lvl up? What do you think?
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