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  1. It would be very cool if someone could compile a list of all the rare cosmetics in the game. Its a lot of fun collecting them but also very hard to find out what is out there.
  2. Wtb either prestige shiny Rayquaza 16m or prestige shiny Mecha Mewtwo mount 19m.
  3. Looking to buy either the Prestige Shiny Rayquaza mount or the Prestige Shiny Mecha Mewtwo mount, whichever I can come to an agreement on first!! PM in game or message me on Discord if I'm offline. (xxboredumbxx)
  4. +1
  5. Im having a problem whenever I evolve my Halloween Charizard mount to its mega form in Celadon. After I evolve it I can no longer find the mount in my items and I notice this shows up in the cosmetics tab. I would check to see if it goes away whenever I de-evolve it but Ive already done that once trying to figure out where the mount went. I have a pic with the unkown item name "bug" or whatever it is. Thanks for your time and help!!!!
  6. I'm searching for the cult mask cosmetic if anyone wants to sell or trade reach out please!!!
  7. Thanks again bro for all the awesome work you have done for me!!!!! Your incredible keep it up!! Here are a few recent ones for everyone too check out!!!!!
  8. I already have the hw greninja mask but am interested in the rest. Message me if you have and want to try and work something out!!
  9. Yoo lets get this application started!!! IGN: Boredumb Age: 37 Where am I from? Jasper, Indiana (USA) Total Playtime: 1964 hrs What I enjoy: I l. Iove to hunt the most. The grind is super fun and rewarding once you hit that rare. I like to collect cosmetics and complete hard mode bosses weekly. I love the pve dungeons alot as well. I was able to run lavender with an old guild and was really into it.( I have some exp and all the lavender power ups alrdy purchased) Services: As of now I cant think of much besides being able to lend out my dungeon mons to anyone that needs for runs but eventually Id like to offer dex services (goal of mine). I also sell CCs and other shop items. Best Bidoof Mount Form: I liked them all so much I own them all but my ultimate favorite is Suidoof!!!!! Thanks for the chance hope to hear from you guys soon!!!!
  10. I just recently heard there is a way to level using 2 accounts and that it was posted on the forums. Can anyone point me in that direction I've searched for awhile now but haven't had much luck finding this post. Thanks for your time.
  11. Right on. I would love to hear heroic strats as well if anyone has time also!!!
  12. Can we get a thread going where we add and list any and all of the pokemon that we should hunt and train for all the dungeon content.? I'll add ones I know so correct me if any of my info is wrong. Kyu White Weavile Gastrodon Chansey Breloom This is what I'm building for solo runs but other than that I don't know what else is worth my time. I'd like to know about all the dungeons if possible.
  13. Hey all I hope this is the right place to post this but I'm looking into buying a new keyboard I've found online and was wondering if anyone else has gotten one and has any thoughts on if it's worth it. It's the Azeron Cyborg. Thanks for your time!!
  14. Hey all I'm looking to buy 35 cc for around 12.6 million. Please contact me with any offers in that range. Thanks for your time!!
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