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  1. I changed the account and it didn't change, or I'm crazy, [heck]
  2. I'm 123cansei, I created the topic with the wrong account, sorry, about the pikachu thing, I don't know if it has to do with starting with him, since in my other accounts there was this scene, However, I had captured the Pikachu on other accounts, except this account, Could it be that?
  3. Team Rocket didn't appear to me next to the Pokecenter, in Pewter City Was it a bug? removed from the story?
  4. Team Rocket didn't appear to me next to the Pokecenter, in Pewter City Was it a bug? removed from the story?
  5. I managed to pass, I was just having bad luck and being stupid too, After I managed to get all 6 flashes right and replaced the waterfall with the ice fang at gyarados, it was easy to pass
  6. Why did they remove the possibility of using revives and potions in the boss lance, which is necessary to release Cerulean Cave?
  7. oops, thanks
  8. In my opinion, the PC where you store the pokemons is very annoying to use, there are almost no options, you only have to search by name, or by default, name or level and that is quite sad, because having to keep looking one by one is a bag... IDEA 1 You could have the option to select the type of pokemon in the chest (amount of ev, iv, also if possible), ability and nature, (and search by region, if possible), this would make it much faster search for good pokemons IDEA 2 Since the storages in this game are interconnected (and not separated like games like mu and other games out there), it would be great if you could lock chests, so the pokemons when hunted and automatically stored, these pokemons would go to the next chest, skipping the respective chest that would be locked IDEA 3 Since we touched on the subject of being able to lock chests, then taking advantage of the momentum, it could be possible to lock pokemons, so not even a player who is inattentive or in a hurry when discarding the trash , I would not click yes and discard the pokemon by accident, since when it is locked this option would not appear and would show in the chat the following notification, "this pokemon is locked, therefore it cannot be discarded" EXTRA IDEAS (optional) 1 Could give to save the chest as favorites, (but then you would have to include in IDEA 1, the search for favorites, so that only the favorite chests appear), or change the order of the chests, for example, dragging 1 to 2, and thus the chest 2 would become chest 1 and vice versa. 2 You could also drag and send pokemons directly from one chest to another, without having to remove them (if the respective chest was full, an extra storage box would appear, outside the PC storage, where a certain amount of pokemons would be stored). temporarily, since it is not real storage...the quantity is at your discretion...thus being able to exchange between full chests. 3 When storing or removing pokemons from the chest (including exchanges of pokemons, items between other things in the trade too), this could be done by double clicking on what you want to exchange, store or withdraw, this would be a little faster, but we would still have the option to drag. Well that's it hugs xD note: I apologize in advance if something is difficult to understand due to the translation, I used the translator
  9. Na minha opinião, o PC onde guarda os pokemons é bem chato de mexer, não tem quase opção nenhuma, só tem pesquisar por nome, ou por default, nome ou level e isso é bem triste, porque ter que ficar olhando um por um é um saco... IDÉIA 1 Poderia ter a opção de selecionar o tipo do pokemon no baú (quantidade de ev, iv, também se possivel), habilidade e natureza, (e buscar por região, se possivel), isso deixaria muito mais rápido buscar por pokemons bons IDÉIA 2 Já que os armazenamentos nesse game são interligados (e não separados igual jogos como mu e outros games por ai), então seria muito bom se desse para trancar baús, sendo assim os pokemons quando fossem caçados e automaticamente armazenados, esses pokemons iriam para o próximo baú, pulando o respectivo baú que estaria trancado IDÉIA 3 Já que tocamos no assunto de poder trancar baús, então aproveitando o embalo, poderia dar pra trancar pokemons, assim nem um jogador desatento ou na pressa ao descartar os lixos, não iria clicar em sim e descartar o pokemon por acidente, visto que ao estar trancado essa opção não apareceria e mostraria no chat a seguinte notificação, "esse pokemon está trancado, portanto não pode ser descartado" IDÉIAS EXTRAS (opcional) 1 Poderia dar para salvar o baú como favoritos, (mas ai teria que incluir na IDÉIA 1, a pesquisa por favoritos, para aparecer somente os baús favoritos), ou trocar os baús de ordem, exemplo, arrastando o 1 para o 2, e assim o baú 2 passaria a ser o baú 1 e vice-versa. 2 Também poderia dar para arrastar e enviar os pokemons diretamente de um baú ao outro, sem precisar retira-los (caso o respectivo baú estivesse cheio, apareceria uma caixa de armazenamento extra, por fora do armazenamento PC, onde ficaria certa quantidade de pokemons de forma temporária, ja que não é um armazenamento de verdade...a quantidade fica a critério de vocês...podendo assim efetuar a troca entre os baús cheios. 3 Ao armazenar ou retirar pokemons do baú (incluindo trocas de pokemons, itens entre outras coisas no trade também), isso poderia ser feito clicando duas vezes sobre o que se quer trocar, armazenar ou retirar, isso seria um pouco mais rápido, mas ainda teríamos a opção de arrastar. Bem é isso abraços xD
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