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  1. I want to make a report about a strange situation that happened to me when fighting against "ZATATINO" on 2 occasions I had to challenge him in PvP and on both occasions he gave me a disconnection, however I never took out the game, it is quite strange, the first time it marked as if my time would have ended and I thought maybe I didn't choose my pokemon. And the second time I get out in 2 seconds and mark the message "Wasted" as if the time was up. I have nothing against him, but it seems very strange to me that I did PvP all day and that only happened to me twice and both times against him. I hope you just review it and do something if necessary.
  2. Will I no longer be able to participate in this event? The first time I came I entered and left the island immediately. This is my second time and I get that message again. Is there any solution?
  3. Sorry bro, and thanks admi sorry for inconvenience n.n
  4. Congrats Qwatte!!! Auction is closed
  5. START 500K mins bid 100k ONLY MONEY AND CC 400K Ends 48hrs after first bid
  6. The Price is 4M but you can offer.
  7. You win send me msg in game Gaos please
  8. Buenas ideas pero el juego ya esta bien muerto, ni la 5ta region han metido. A lo mucho 3-4 años mas de vida le doy
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