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  1. Hmm, and what wrong with cosmetic issue? Or suggestions only for affect the game? I can say it's better, or quality of life change. You open and see what and where. Same I can say: Abilities or stats, when you place mouse on them you see description. But not on moves.. Also weak agains what type or strong against som type no info in pokedex.
  2. I dont know if it's hard to do but, can you make those pokemons,when you have the registered to pokedex, have same purple circle under them? For example dratini in Breezy town, I have it reg because I fight NPC with dratini and I saw it in Breezy but didnt know its ms pokemon, and I spend whole day harming it. If it had still purple circle under, that could be cool. On screenshot dratini have same as others and I thought i can catch it since no purple circle there. But no.
  3. The Ghost chain only works during night time, which is between 20:00 and 4:00 Pokéti How to close this topic? I found an answer, completely forgot about this 1 huge thing.
  4. According to PRO wiki it's dark type tree. Why I'm getting sunkern there 2nd time already?
  5. Nice. i knew i cant give it back. Thanks. The only good thing in this quest is to open new pokemons in my pokedex. that it. thanks for that too and i get a message "... But it looks like you dont have a Mega Bracelet. I will send this to Assistant Theodor, who will take care of it until you are ready." technicaly i get rid of it for now
  6. The game have to be fun and idk intuitive a bit. Not all wth wiki or guides. FUN not brain melting
  7. Yeah great gob. First of all, not all have access to cave like, so I have bit limited pokes but ok, I beat them till boss with what have. Done. Boss. I watched your video, and I have to say you get lucky. Why? I 2 words: I vent till boss with same pokes vs same npc pokes, and sometimes every NPC poke stay alive with 0.9% or 0.4% hp. With boss. I tried to go like you did on video and lost 3 times, somehow he did more damage to my pokes, Tyranitar 1shot Golurk all 3 times I tried,not at all like on video. I did it my way bit another, and idk what's wrong but I always lose at last opponent pokemon. And what's annoying in this quest is when you lose to boss, you have to start all from begging including NPC. Theres no checkpoint before boss, and no way to heal revive pokes. So I start thinking that move power ( WPR) not stable, and it varies in very high frequency, even when you did it 50 times. You starting to see that something wrong and numbers not match. Great job with video. Atleast helped someone to find allies on map. But fight very different according to video even if you do all exactly like on video. Very cool quest, make me rage quit this game 3 times already and when I get this stupid stone, I gave it to someone for free, to get rid of pain that it brought me.
  8. No, not late.Thanks for response. Where can I read/have/get, the list of moves? To know what not to use, since they useless for now,I read about some of them on wiki, like ally switch move, not work since no double team battles in PRO. Does happy hour move work I reached Magikarp this move, and will it remain when I evolve to Gyarados?
  9. I had 17% hp left and using this I, again, noticed that I did 2x lower damage vs move Tackle (with 50 PWR) before. With 17% hp remain according to description calc I have to use move with 100 PWR, how come it take less opponent hp than Takle with 50 PWR? I used tackle after and it did more damage as it do always. Flail. Its power is dependent on how low the users HP is. HP% Power HP ≥ 67.19% 20 34.38% ≤ HP < 67.19% 40 20.31% ≤ HP < 34.38% 80 9.38% ≤ HP < 20.31% 100 3.13% ≤ HP < 9.38% 150 HP < 3.13% 200 Maybe it's not Fail? Maybe its Tackle move broken and do more than 100PWR damage always?
  10. Ok.i need to open new topic for next question? Flail move that Magikarp learn at lvl 30 kind of not work, when I had 8% of health remain it did same damage. Maybe i need to test it more... Also does Happy Hour move work in PRO in gen 7? Wait a minute. You say "In Generation 7, the Generation that PRO follows, Magikarp does not learn any moves through breeding(egg moves)" and also you wrote "Magikarp can learn Bounce from the tutor in Lake of Rage." Does it sound bit strange? Technically it can't learn, but realy it can. I didnt get to the lake to try it but I read that ppl had problems with this NPC and Magikarp,Gyarados can't learn this move,this mean my Magikarp have to not evolved and when I go to other region I can't use pokemon from kanto untill I beat all regions, this mean I have to forget for now and in new region farm for new and good IV Magikarp to test if it realy work. .... ???... sense...??? No, nonsense So if this move "banned" can you replace it in game with other move? and Karp salesman. If it can't learn it can't, if can please do that he can learn. What the point of leaving 2 NPC and I cant reach for now the 2nd one, so only salesman left, pay money once a week to see if he give you good IV Magikarp and pray that he teach it forbidden "banned" move "Bounce". Nonsense.?.
  11. Lake of rage. Let's go! I'm in Kanto. X(
  12. And there is no way Magikarp learn move Bounce? I saw ppl using it.
  13. I know... I looked on forum before start this,and didn't find any. Egg tutor dont have any egg moves for Magikarp I have to catch him there? He don't spawn in Breezy Falls. But I catched Gastly there, and he can learn a ton of moves,I wish I can bring my 35lvl gastly to teach som egg moves. Is this a bug for Magikarp? Or I dont know something about egg moves?
  14. No more questions.Thanks.
  15. Mankey learn Swagger move at lvl 19 or 33? Because my learned it on lvl 19 like in this link about the move: https://wiki.pokemonrevolution.net/index.php?title=Swagger But here, about Mankey, he learn Swagger at lvl 33 https://wiki.pokemonrevolution.net/index.php?title=Mankey And on all wiki about pokemon you can find this
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