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  1. No problem, thank you for your help!
  2. Sure thing! Here is a link to my recording on youtube: https://youtu.be/DkryxxWJPEI @Epithet
  3. Hello! I was attempting to use PRO on my Galaxy Note 5 running Android 7.0 however I get some visual glitches whenever I tap on the screen. It essentially causes the UI and any top level graphics to flicker. For example, the tops of trees or mountains will flicker. Or if I am in a cave that requires flash, the black overlay will flicker (revealing the cave). I’ve tried troubleshooting using the How to PRO on Android guide on the forums: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/13611-tutorial-how-to-pro-on-android/ It is a little outdated but I tried everything in the guide except for installing an entirely new ROM on the phone. I am just trying to avoid that if at all possible. Any help is much appreciated! Thank you!
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