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  1. would you take 800k as starter?
  2. Thanks for the explanation, i shall hunt more then! Regard, Mathieu
  3. it worked. thanks a lot!
  4. Hi, I am unable to fight tornadus. the gastrodon validation for stormdrain is just not working. here is screenshot : https://prnt.sc/CU5ZFwaVj8GS He is lvl 100, OT and full IV trained. Thanks for looking into it!
  5. https://prnt.sc/b9A4lBO3vWjm This is the screenshot with ID
  6. Hi staff, I have attempted to use the mysterious candy to evolve my pokemon : https://prnt.sc/W8xHEWH_Ypkq But it is not working. I worked so hard to hunt this azu, i really hope you can help me evolve it! Thanks for anything you can do in that regard, Mathieu
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