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  1. Auction ended. Winner: Suyyyy
  2. Set back to 15 minutes
  3. Set back to 15minutes
  4. Set back to 15 minutes
  5. Timer set to 14 minutes
  6. 8m also the auc has started and the minimum increase is 100k
  7. I am auctioning this pokemon starting at 8m, increase 100k per offer (ig). Will end in 7 days. This is my first time setting an auction. So please ge patient with me. S.O (starting offer) - 8m Minimum Increase - 100k Auction ends in 7 days Note. I don't know if this is the auction website. I will say it again, this is my first time. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4220347/shiny-gyarados-timer Here's the counter
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