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Posts posted by Xkakuna

  1. On 8/4/2023 at 3:39 AM, Shinohara said:


    First of all, I would like to state that the new EXP formula was thoroughly tested by our Tester Team.
    Our Tester Team is made up of extremely active and experienced PRO players, which is a good thing as it means they can provide extremely valuable input from the perspective of the player since they have experienced the whole journey PRO has done in the last 6+ years.


    To give you an idea, the whole tester team has gone through the whole story (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh) more than 5 times, playing it just like a normal player would (Prof. level 5 Pokemon, catching Pokemon in the wild, leveling in the wild, and so on repeated 5+ times) in order to get the most accurate test-result possible.
    The EXP Tower has been under continuous DAILY testing for over two months, with hundreds of hours of testing and many discussions and meetings to make changes, improvements, and general tweaks to ensure it would fit in the game and would go well together, like a couple, with the new EXP formula.



    (censors are unrevealed staff names + links to personal files)

    The above screenshot just represents the tower's testing phase; EXP Rework itself has been under testing for many months and underwent many changes thanks to the valubale input of the community and staff who tried it. (you can even read news on PRO Discord):

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    To ensure the validity of the test, each tester created a document in which they documented the results of their several hundred hours of testing to level up Pokemon with the new exp. formula and using every available way, from regular maps up to the newly released Tower.



    Regarding any polls that have been created in the last 24 hours, I do not mean to be rude but they have practically zero validity.

    To begin, in the first 20 votes (from the'very hard one') 4 of them are from a single player, and there are many others who have voted with their alts, or even worse asked their friends to vote just to increase numbers (really stupid btw).

    Also, there have been more than 7000 active players in the last 24 hours, but only 90 votes in those polls, exactly because majority are still testing it and that's what we are asking to do. 


    Please keep in mind that I am not saying that the released EXP update is perfect to the point that no additional adjustments are required in the future; however, we are confident that it is great enough to be safely released on live servers.
    In general, every content can receive extra changes after its release, which is why we value A LOT our community's feedback; nevertheless, as a player, it's just impossible to form a final conclusion in half a day exactly because there wasn't enough time to thoroughly test it properly


    To finish, Walross provided a good explanation for why this choice was made. (also mentioning exp. candies and a lucky egg)

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    As he also stated, give it a few weeks to thoroughly test the system, and then we'll be delighted to revisit this issue and see if anything can be improved, has to be changed, etc.



    Thank you for providing clarity on the change.

  2. 10 hours ago, Qeight said:

    This entire post is super disingenuous as it doesn't speak for the people you are trying to portray as "victims" of this change. 

    We held public XP testing and did lots of interntal testing to adjust the story to the current XP system, making it much easier for story players/new players to actually get started in the game. Our Scripters changed Trainer levels and XP gains while our Spawn Editors did over 100+ map changes to adjust levels and make the game much more comfortable for story players.

    Your entire post is there to portray the "poor new story" players as victims of this change but in reality you are upset for your own sake because you can not skip the entire leveling process with cheap strats in Cerulean cave that earned you 50 levels a fight. Take care. 

    Just to kind of piggyback on this comment. I am a new player. My brother and I started playing about 3 weeks ago. We have been having a ton of fun. We just made it to the Hoenn region and have been playing a ton after work. We logged in a few days ago and noticed it was much slower to level our mons. While it may be a skill or knowledge thing as we are pretty new, the slower leveling has been pretty discouraging. I only have so much time to play and have not been able to progress as quickly as before. If this is the intention of the change, that is fine. I assumed my game was bugged, which brought me to this forum.  Just kind of looking for a little clarity. 

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