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Everything posted by Knatte09

  1. Hey guys taking bids on this Shellos, in game and on forums I will update with names and B.O! But please try to write here what you are offering! The bids will go on until this saturday! 2017-09-16. My ingame name is Knatte09.
  2. My favorite pokemon is Onix, I remeber him so well as a child in first gen when BROCK had him =) I want the headset becuase the one im using current is [glow=red]BROCK[/glow]en! ;)
  3. I accidently went upstairs in pokecenter then my screen got black and it says "Loading Map..." I cant do anything even after relog I stil get this message with total black screen, please teleport me out of this... // Knatte09
  4. I think alot of players would appreciate if u can click on the pokemon behind a player to see its status box ivs and so on, its a small thing to be implented that would be awesome, not only for people like me who like to show off but it would help players see more easy if someone got a pokemon that u want. Maybe a toggle button for the players who dont wanna show off their pokes, IDK but I think most players would like to see this implented. Thanks!
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