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Everything posted by Ramiapanot

  1. 25k pory
  2. hello, @Incandescent is it possible to force trade ive been wanting to transfer server after my thing here is finished
  3. +25 dnite
  4. hello @Incandescent is it possible to force trade the pokemons to raikaisa665? thanks
  5. .
  6. inustur started it all at the time i posted it
  7. nope i started the auction philippine time 1pm
  8. Screenrecorder-2024-07-27-19-29-25-649.mp4 my bad because this is what i see
  9. well i dont know what happend xD
  10. its just 72 hours auction tho
  11. uhm it arrldy ended
  12. Ripindraa
  13. omastar 120k by jnnn quagsire 210k by agate togekiss 240k by zoro0001 abomasnow 150k by garcome darmanitan (water) 120k by zoro0001 sceptile 90k by opmaster leavany 30k by magikarpx gardevoir 160k by garcome darmanitan jolly 210k by jnnn electivire 250k by top1caychayyy scizor 100k by raikasa665 ferrothorn 480k by agate klefki (bold) 320k by agate klefki (calm) 440k by badburn clefable 150k by zoro0001 hydreigon 140k by jnnn wishiwashi 80k by feneoner gyarados 30k by raikaisa665 gengar 120k by garcome glalie 90k by garcome haxorus 110k by garcome blastoise modest 80k by mattepalla93 pelipper 70k by raikaisa665 milotic 100k by raikaisa665 darmanitan (hp ghost) 90k by raikasa665 aggron 60k by raikaisa665 torterra relaxed 30k by magikarpx roserade water 60k by raikaisa665 dusclops 60k by raikaisa665 roserade flying 40k by raikaisa665 sawsbuck 80k by raikaisa665 kingdra 200k by pranilsht magmortar modest 50k by magikarpx torteraa adamant 60k by raikaisa665 hawlucha 60k by magikarpx swampert 260k by garcome tentacruel 60k by raikaisa665 volcarona hp poison 160k by magmortar timid 60k by raikaisa665 volcarona hp bug 160k by raikaisa665 bisharp 200k by badburn blastoise timid 70k by raikaisa665 goodra 130k by feneoner
  14. Wait pls lemme type the winners give me 10 mins
  15. Auction closed-
  16. 1hr and 42minutes left
  17. sorry bro someone did bid 30k on leavanny
  18. sorry c.o 80k by agate
  19. sorry but someone already did 40k
  20. i attached a timer u can check it will end next day
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