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  1. Ok
  2. Hi @Pinkfurret I have seen people share Dhelmise and Wimpod in global chats, so is there any other way to obtain them? Thanks
  3. Hi Everyone, I wanted a Whimpod & Dhelmise, can anyone provide the location or how do I obtain them. Thanks
  4. Thanks, I was looking for head smash, unfortunately steelix doesn't have that
  5. Hi Everyone, Wanted to know what Egg moves are learnt by steelix, can anyone provide a list. Thanks.
  6. Hi Everyone, Where can I find the latest information about the Pokemon's like Move's and Location accurate to the game. Which website do I refer to for accurate information. Thanks, Alpha
  7. Does your sudowoodo learn head smash now? I have a steelix and want to teach him head smash but I am not sure he can learn it, I still haven't unlocked daycare. So I need to be sure.
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