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  1. im online and messaged u, will u pls responste?
  2. im rn for the next 20minutes, if u there, pm me ingame otherwise lets do it tomorrow to a time where we both can? Like 2 3pm or so? just let me know when u can
  3. Hey, if u can right now, i will be online for around a hour, let me know if u can.
  4. @Foreverbog u won the auction! pls let me know when u available!
  5. Duration: 48hours after 1st bid Startprice: 100k Min Raise: 10k Instaprice: 5m Final bid need to stands 15minutes! If u bid from Gold Server, u need to transfer to Silver to get it. Good Luck and Bidding!
  6. Trade done, Mods can close this
  7. Auction ended. @Xerneasz10message me when u available. U won the Auction
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