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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. 1.2
  2. Closed/solved
  3. 3 weeks and still no response?
  4. Hello, I've been off for months and I wanted to check back in the game again but it seems that I'm unable to sign in. Same thing happens with my other two accounts. Below is the error messages that just keeps on showing forever. I hope someone could help. Thanks!
  5. Hi, There's definitely something you can do in order to take back your exp share item from a locked pokemon. Try the following steps: Click the locked pokemon in your pc storage to view the card window. Drag a lum or any berry into the item slot on the card window to switch it with the exp item. Hope this helps.
  6. 101k (if still open for bids)
  7. Hi, While this seems really a great idea it may not be implemented as you can actually do this just by composing a new message and making yourself as the recipient. This will allow you to save any of your notes and attach files. It functions the same as a forum post and probably easier to access just by going to your messages. You can label each conversation with yourself such as "NOTES" or any other name you would like to use to easily remember the contents of each of your conversation/notes. This maybe even better than a forum post as it will allow you to not just edit but also delete your own message while a forum post or comment cannot be deleted. Makes it more easier to organize your notes. It may not be the same as what you suggested but it function similarly. It's private and saves you the time of scrolling down looking for a sub forum. I hope this helps!
  8. Hello, I'm looking for the Pink and Halloween Form of Ralts, Kirlia, or Gardevoir preferably with Trace Ability and Timid Nature but if not, please still try to offer me what you have and if it's within a reasonable price then I might still buy it. You may send me a DM in-game (pauuuuu) or here. Thanks! Ralts - Kirlia - Gardevoir Halloween Forms Ralts - Kirlia - Gardevoir Pinkan Forms
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