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Everything posted by S3nko

  1. I bought last month 22 MS Medalion. And now i am selling them for 250-350k. Noone said that you have to buy them. I bought each of them for ingame Money. Buying them for 150k and selling them now for 250k is a profit for me of 100k. Got a problem with it? I DON'T CARE. The market makes the price not me ;) why shold i sell you for the same price i bought it?
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Lorelai REWARD:<br/> <br/> WINTER CLOTHS (head & suit)</t>
  3. I like the idea of having an auction house. Beeing able to set a minimum price, instant buy option and/or a simple auction. To possibilitys are endless. Normally there will be ppl that make offers for millions but to be honest, now its not better its more spamm in trade chat. Maybe you can also give that option for items. Would lower the prices for some commun and rare pokemon defentliy. The we would enter a world of "supply and demand". sry for my bad english skills. Best regards s3nko
  4. Go on Red Server Blue is permanently down!
  5. Sorry for saying this but 350h are just 14.5 Days. What you expact you get a legendery Pkm for free? Have you ever played World of Warcraft. For getting there a Legendery equipment Part you needed more then 60 Day to get it. LG Senko
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