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  1. I dont have access to the account as the password i tried using was not right. So i dont have access to either my account or the email probably. As i tried the mails i frequently use already.
  2. I had an account i used to play in 3-4 years ago and i know the name is "Elderdragon" because of a dumb video i posted about electrocuting a diglet. Even tho i know the account name i cant log in because i used a completely different email which i dont remember now on that account. I cant log in because game needs verification saying i am on different device(i changed phones twice since). Is there any way i get to log in to my old account again? (I cant login to my account because highschooler me somehow used a different password...) ı can prove the account is mine by showing the video i took about electrocuting a diglet thats on my yt account)
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