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About Rebeccacsteel

  • Birthday 11/28/1987

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  1. UPDATE!: so after going to the trainer tower and going back i finally was able to take her out, thanks a ton for letting me know about that! much appreciated!
  2. thanks for the reply...yes i do have dragon dance the issue is by time i get it powered up they are also powering themselves up too and currently even at gyrados's level he is still near 2 shoted as well so if her first pokemon gets atleast 1 power up she does pretty much one shot him and i also have Crunch on him as well but it still takes me 2 crunches to even knock her first pokemon off the board. I havnt tried the level tower yet, i have seen it but i was thinking it was a pvp thing and wasnt sure i would get exp there so i will check that out, thanks for the advice Edit: So checked out the tower and apperntly any pokemon over 60 dont get exp there so sadly that wont help me in terms of trying to get past 60, but good thought however it will atleast let me get the rest to 60 which will help, Thank you
  3. Hi there, im looking for a good spot to level my pokemon which are mid 50's atm. I am stuck in mossdeep trying to beat the gym leader but need a few more levels and the current pokemon in the area are only 30's. I read the guides on where to level however the problem with those guides ive seen on the forujm is by time i get to those areas after beating the gym required to achieve said areas i am already pass the leveling range of those areas. I know it says Sky Pillar is good for leveling 50+ however i cant even get there until i beat mossdeep gym from what i was reading anyways. Anyone know of a spot worth leveling 50-70 to help me get through mossdeep? Thanks. My current team is... Gyarados lvl 64 Breloom lvl 55 Crobat lvl 55 Manectric lvl 55 Swampert lvl 60 Anorith - still being leveled but currently lvl 54 and i still cant get past it, the exp in the area is near a sliver of a crawl too so grinding is near impossible beyond what it should be
  4. Can anyone suggest a area i can level, my tream is currently 55ish and having trouble beating mossdeep gym atm (currently where i am at)..thinking i may need to get close to 70 to beat the leader however the stuff in the area is 30ish which would take ages to grind that up. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!
  5. Can anyone tell me if it goes by poke time or local time when trying to catch certain pokemon that appear during a certain time of day please? Trying to catch Aggron that i read only appears in Granite Cave B1F during 10:00-20:00 time frame. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi there, i just came back to the game after being away for quite sometime, is there a in game auction house or is it just trades in chat? i cant recall, please refresh my memory, Thank You!
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