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  1. Auction Ends here. @Snoopdogginson is the winner with a bid of 1.4m,I would request @Zoruami to make a trade With Regards Mikuhacking
  2. Here we provide with all pokemons according to your needs. The whole post is divided into 4 levels. 1. Budget pokemons{In brief this pokes are good for noobies or stories } 2. Epic pokemons (This includes boss team, pvp pokes) 3. Shiny pokemons 4. Other rare pokemons 5. Mounts and other items. Payment Methods: Pokedollars CC = 350K Nature Reroll = 250K IV Reroll Ticket = 500K All the pokemons are arranged Alphabetically. Note- All services are also provided check the links for more information Service shop-https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/230874-mikus-service-shop/ Here are some rules of our service 1. Any illogical offense or fake offers will be reported. 2. Send screenshot of pokemon in Discord ID or pm me at game Id to know prices. 3. Bookings can be done for pokemon but only for estimated time period. 4. If you have any issues regarding anything message me at Discord- mikuhacking09 Game ID- Mikuhacking Coming soon
  3. Here I provide with ev service and level up service (kanto and johto pokes only) 'In case of ev reset you have to give the berries or its charges as 1.5k per berry' EV service- 40k per poke Level up service-100k per pokemon (discounts on heavy orders) Terms and conditions for the service! 1. 24 hours for ev and 24 hour for level up is taken. Orders are supplied before that time. 2. Some advance will be taken. 3. Progress report will be provided. 4. If any issues regrading service you can contact at Discord id-mikuhacking09 You can check service status here Or Queue https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1erB2Ewibxa8ZA6MKr9Ge5fBtZN-UlHFQum_RQoHgeQc/edit?usp=sharing I hope you will like the service.
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