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Everything posted by Noirss

  1. cloyster,medi,sala c.o 100k by Nhokpies @Yipman2
  2. Nhokpies had c.o cle 100k
  3. c.o 160k by Loc018 c.o 140k by Abbixx1 c.o 220k by jimmm2 c.o 160k by Trambuii c.o 150k by Cyanide27 Not a bundle !! For each Pokemon, S.O: 50k Min-bid: 10k Ends in 48H after the first bid !! No Insta Price Accepting cc = 450k and rr = 500k
  4. Congratulations, @Mrthangxk2000 is the winner auction greninija. @Faisal06361 is the winner auction charizard
  5. Hello there, selling these 2 mons Start offer: 100k each Min bid: 50k each End Point:: 30h sau lần đấu giá đầu tiên Accept Cash, CC 430k, iv rr 500k
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