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Everything posted by Martinuy

  1. Does it have to be fresh caught? I got that one a while ago. Will try and catch a new one and see if that works. Thanks for the answer
  2. Hi, I finished doing the birds quest and when I reach the Lightning Elder to capture Zapdos he doesnt accept my Elekid. Wiki says it must be OT with at least 100 IVs. My elekid cover all those requirements and I have a lot more than 100 evo data in my pokedex but i keep getting this message. I also tried with another +100 IVs elekid and got the same problem.
  3. Karemboss won the auction, let me know when you are online so we can trade please.
  4. Bump. CO: 10m by Gianni345
  5. Selling golden keys, bold nature. Starting offer: 10m Min bid: 100k Ends 72hs after first bid Accept cc 400k ea
  6. All yours, will see you later to trade. Elyasumene won the auction for Chimchar 3, let me know when you are in game so we can trade. Thanks
  7. Thanks InnerFocus for moving the thread. CO on Scyther 2: 500k by Masskiller <Ends in 8 hours and 37 minutes> CO on Chimchar 3: 200k by Tkl070701 <Ends in 12 and 14 minutes>
  8. All of them starting at 200k End 48h after first bid Accept CC = 400k Chimchar 1 Chimchar 2 Chimchar 3 C.O = 250k by Elyasumene Chimchar 4 Scyther 1 Scyther 2 SOLD
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