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Everything posted by Igormarlin

  1. S.O=5k Min.Bid=1k Payments:pokedollars,cc,bms,iv nature rr and iv rr Auction ends 24h after first bid
  2. Hi, I sent you the poke I want to buy on discord, it's a scyther... check it out when you can, please
  3. Congrats @Atckimi for your new mudkip.Enjoy!
  4. AUCTION end= 03/01/24 7:54pm GMT+0
  5. S.O=200k Min.bid=50k Insta=No have End=24h after first bid Itens accept= cc=400k rr=500k nature rr=250k Good luck
  6. Fast sell but sold
  7. Hello, I was thinking about the fishing contest, in a form of one player contest like the bcc (bug catching contest) with the same cash prizes (25k, 15k, 5k) but with different exclusive rewards like a fishing rod for the back, maybe the magkarp hat like those guys near Misty's at the bottom of the fuchsia poke center, or a mount from an existing pokemon (magikarp, seaking, sharpedo, relicanth, one of those(maybe other)or their evo) so that's it... .hope that was a good suggestion, thanks for reading
  8. +1
  9. +1 Sold
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