Auction Time : 24 hours after First Bid of The Pokemon
No Insta
Payment Methods : Pokedollars , CC 300k
Start : 300k
Mind bid : 20k
Start : 250k
Min bid : 20k
Start : 200k
Min bid : 20k
Start : 100k
Min bid : 10k
Auction Time : 24 hours from starting Bid
Starting Bid : 500k
Min Bid : 50k
Acceptable payment methods : Pokedollars,CC(420k)
Bidding can be done on this post or you can pm me in game when i am online.
I have been trying to find ditto on route 8 but havent encountered any
Repel trick dosent work cause ditto has lvl 23-27
and almost every pokemon on the route i encountered is lvl 26-30 and also tried the repel trick
Any suggestions to easily get ditto