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  1. Hello, For the past two years, I have been dealing with chronic pain that has been getting increasingly worse. Repeated hand movements in particular cause me a lot of pain which means that regular gameplay is somewhat manageable, but I cannot hunt anymore. I asked about this last summer on the discord server and was advised to post here. Since my situation has not gotten better since (and has in fact worsened a lot), I figured it was worth asking. Would it be possible to get an aid of any form such as being able to hold a single key to move back and forth or a different solution that you might have offered to players with disabilities? I would be happy to use any pre-existing solution you might have that would allow me to play this game that I love. If you do not have any, I would be able to recreate the example I mentioned earlier myself since holding or pressing a single key would be a healthier solution for my situation. However, I assume that using such a solution without approbation would get me banned. If need be, I can share some of my doctors' notes or exams with personal information blurred. Of course, I would provide any form of non-personal identification that you may require, such as holding a paper with my username or anything of your choice to prove that the medical documents are mine. Thank you for your time.
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