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  1. Thank you again for your help. And I would like to add a compliment. I have speed-read a lot of posts and you are always patient - even with requests that seem stressed - and your replies are always very helpful and thoroughly. A mod could close the topic from my side. Thank you
  2. Thank you for your fast reply. Is bumping when I would reply to my own post with "bump" to push it to the top? Then I would do so in the allowed frequency.
  3. Hello I posted about an issue in the 2FA subforum over a month ago. I am unsure if the post is visible for the staff. Is the staff member able to check if it is visible for the staff members? I am unsure that it is since the beginning. The process of writing and posting it was a bit strange. Just checking that it is visible is enough! Thank you Fuselkater
  4. Hello. Can anybody give an approximate time range in which a response can be expected in the 2FA subforum? Just to know what to expect. Is it a few weeks or a few months? That might help others too. Have a great day
  5. Sorry there is already a post that handles my question. Its that post... https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/238066-email-recovery/ The mods might delete my post here. I will ask my question there instead.
  6. Hallo. I had to post in the 2FA subforum but I am not sure if I made everything correct. I got a few views on my post but no response after 2 weeks. What is the usual response time on a post? I know that only special staff is able to see posts in the subforum, due to the sensitive information. So I expected that it might take longer. But any broad range would help to know what to expect. Maybe also for other members of the forum. Is it around 2 weeks, a month or more? Have a great day fellow readers.
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