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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 400k can transfer
  2. Tried adding on discord and its incorrect. I will be on here shortly!
  3. ° what can you contribute to Dynasty? ° I'm a huge pokemon fan since the red and blue days. I'm willing to try my best in learning pvp and slowly getting into it with the best of my abilities. I'm also a huge pokemon hunter and will spend days trying to find decently pvpable pokemons or event mons. I also want to learn how to do services such as EV/Leveling hunting so that I can help the guild out with such things should they ever do so. ° what is your real life and ingame name? ° Real life name is Ai (I'm not kidding too!) and in-game it is Jinhsi ° how old are you and where are you from? ° I am 29 and I am from vietnam, though also have grown up at japan too! I have mixed parents. ° discord tag? how often are you online there? ° aobachuu and I am usually online everyday. The only time I am not is when I have vacation or a trip. ° screenshot of your trainercard
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