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  5. Thanks man!! I will wait , I don't mind and I won't use the ultra balls. Yeah, after doing the quests you can catch legendaries, that's what I mean. Thanks for your time. Let me know if you need any more info on the subject.
  6. I did an ultra fail.... I wanted to buy buy 300 ultra balls to start hunting legendaries. Though I did have all my pokedollars on a secondary account. So I bought the balls on the small account and then tried to trade them to my main, but it says ultra balls are not tradable... I had noticed similar issues in the past with some items, so before I buy them, I tried to trade some balls first to see if the are tradable, I tried with the first ball I found, a moon ball and the trade did happen. But when i bought the ultra balls I found out that just ultra balls aint tradable......is there anything that can be done pls?? I spend so much money.......
  7. Larko


    good to know. thank your for answering
  8. Larko


    Is it against any rule to offer real money in exchange for a game errand??
  9. That's the third post I make pls dont ignore it too. Pls help me change my account email. I am locked out of my email, and to change it through the Dashboard and add a new one, I need to confirm with my lost email........... Can anyone help me?
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