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  1. Sorry for being dead. When can I claim the Ralts?
  2. I am free. If you are available, I can join now. IGN: Playerpro Discord: playerpr0
  3. Wait nvm. Your repel is working fine. The Barboach is higher than the level of your repel. I just checked wiki. All the Pokémon in that map have higher levels than Swablu so you can't basically repel there.
  4. I might be wrong but maybe your sync needs to be alive.
  5. Oh Barson. I buy the clone Charmander. I'll join in like 12 hours or so from now. CHARMANDER IS BOOKED.
  6. END
  7. Greetings! I am interested in buying Breloom-Shiny. I offer 800k. Discord: playerpr0 IGN: Playerpro
  8. I want to buy form Nidoking. It can be Shiny Nidoking or Pinkan Nidoking. Trained Nidoking is preferrable. Discord: playerpr0 IGN: Playerpro
  9. 60k is final price or can you negotiate a little and sell for 50k?
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