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Everything posted by Wombatoru

  1. With the advent of the Halloween event, I once again ask for the EXP-share to be optional. It utterly murders the otherwise quite pleasant difficulty of this game's story mode. Messes up EVs, too. Unless, of course, you go through the hoops of self-restriction. But that's no fun to me on a first playthrough. Make it a toggle in the options? Make the icon clickable like an RPG buff? Just hand out a free EXP-share (held item) instead of forcing the global buff down my throat? Make it only apply after you've beaten the current region's Elite 4? The last one's kinda meh. If someone really wants to curb stomp the story via a broken mechanic, I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to do so. Guess I'll post again on Christmas.
  2. Summer Raticate's overworld sprite has a few grey/blue pixels in front of its face during certain frames of its walking animation while facing left or right. Looks like the shovel(?) it's holding in its tail wraps around to the front again.
  3. "Toggle" is the key word here. Reading is important. I know the value of EXP shares in post game, but ideally, you'd avoid ruining the early game in their implementation instead of going the BDSP route, even if it's just for a couple months. Therefore, a toggle.
  4. Title says it all. Pray let us toggle the EXP share during events. If justification is needed, I know I am in a minority among the p*kémon playerbase for utterly despising party-wide EXP shares. To me, they throw the entire game balance way out of whack. As evidenced by my run so far here, started yesterday during the ongoing summer event. Just beat Lt. Surge. I seem to have outlevelled him by 10+, in a full party of six. Threw my garbage Xatu at him and pressed nothing but the Air Slash button. And it still was nowhere near close. Bit stupid, isn't it. This is fun for exactly five minutes before it starts being depressing and ends up with me skipping four out of five trainers in the wild to keep my EXP down. Could play like it's SV and raise five teams or more to avoid being overlevelled, but I don't think I could scrounge together enough mons I like to do that so early in the game.
  5. Yeah, that's a bit of a rough workaround. Any chance that it's going to be changed into an opt-in/out model, either for the ongoing or for future events? And when does it end? Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find a date.
  6. Is there no way to turn it off? Three badges, and I'm already brutally overlevelled. This is no fun at all. It's also sharing EVs for some godforsaken reason. How long is this going to go for, anyway? Would be a bit of a bummer if I have to wait another month or two to play.
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