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Everything posted by 1cloudz

  1. Auction still open for 15 minutes @Leonardosenpai
  2. 1st - 60k 2nd - 130k
  3. This thread can now be closed. Congratulations @Nobito
  4. @Nobito Please let me know when you are online to claim your pokemon.
  5. This thread can be now close, the winner of this auction has claimed their pokemon. Congratulations @Frankieg903 and thank you all for participating.
  6. 15 min rule has been triggered
  7. bump ~ 84 minutes left!
  8. CURRENT OFFER: 800K End time: 5:05 AM EST https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=16:24:00&date=2024-08-25T05:05:48&title=AUCTION+SUMMER+SCYTHER+FOR+COLLECTORS+&sound=school&loop=0
  9. C.O - 800K s.o - 800k min bid - 25k no insta 15 min rule 24 hours after starting // End time: 5:05 AM EST https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=16:24:00&date=2024-08-25T05:05:48&title=AUCTION+SUMMER+SCYTHER+FOR+COLLECTORS+&sound=school&loop=0 accepted payments cc - 400k rc - 5k nature rr - 250k iv rr - 500k
  10. bump 20 hours remaining
  11. close
  12. bump! 36 hours left
  13. start - 8:40 pm EST c.o 700k
  14. c.o - 2.5M s.o - 500k min bid - 50k no insta 15 min rule 48 hours auction /// Start time: 8:40 PM EST - End time: August 24 8:40pm EST https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=44:14:30&date=2024-08-24T20:40:06&title=CAREFUL+BAGON+4X30&sound=school&loop=0 accepted payments cc - 400k rc - 5k nature rr - 250k iv rr - 500k
  15. So since there isn't any offers can I still claim the pokemon?
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