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  1. Sorry i think @Demiansaga is right, and he won the auction,,, @Ryan33433 you see the wrong time because the am and pm in auction so confused The upper 12:31 must be 00:31 pm so the bid still in 48hr but please @Incandescent or other staff see who the actually won
  2. Please help @Incandescent i think i wrong see the time can you help,, u can punish me for the wrong
  3. Hi, u won the bundle,,, can u online now ?
  4. U are wrong quote u start auction for 50k ? So what wrong for my bid ? good luck
  5. 700k mudkip2 & 700k alo1
  6. S,o = 100k Min Bid = 10k 48hr afer first bid Ty
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