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Everything posted by Najibku

  1. trade completed CLOSED.
  2. Congratulations @Omenrl at vermillion now if you are able to trade.
  3. Ending in less then 1 hour
  4. Duration: 48h after first bid Start offer: 1M Min Bid: 100k NO INSTA Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 400k Reroll Ticket = 500k
  5. hi just checked this trade, I am online now, are you online? @Nicksizkassap
  6. Start Bid : 100k Minimum Increment : 50k Auto Win : 500k Auction ends 24h after first bid.
  7. Almost epic Charmander Hidden Power : Electric Start Price : 200k Min Increment: 50k Instawin: 2m Will Sell 24h after first bid
  8. Will sell in 24 hours if no other offers.
  9. offer me your best price for this charmander.
  10. @Epicmon can you come on now? or let me know in how many hours will you be available?
  11. @Epicmon ok what is ur IGN? Just check the timestamp seems like he's a little after 24h
  12. Ended @Mezzo12 you are the winner. What is your IGN?
  13. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 150k Min Bid: 25k A/W: 1M
  14. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 100k Min Bid: 25k Contact: IGN: Najibku
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