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  1. Literally feeling all this same stuff, and it's years later. This game feels like an endless grind, that it's more frustrating than actually fun to play. At this point i'm nearly done with Kanto and can not imagine myself doing this same thing over in a different region. So much feels broken about the game that the play experience just isn't enjoyable.
  2. After spending days level grinding, I'm honestly losing interest in this game. It was cool at first, but the effort its taking just to get past Sabrina isn't worth it anymore. Learning that her pokemon are level 65, when the highest level of wild Pokemon I've seen is mid 40s is incredibly frustrating. It makes it impossible to easily level to where I need to be. I've ev trained and Iv trained my pokemon, built a party with 3 pokemon with type advantage and still am stuck. Even my fastest Pokemon with a speed of like 140+ are too slow for her slowest pokemon. Idk if the creators intentionally made her harder than in the original game, but i honestly hate it. On the verge of just quitting because of this BS. I'm not putting countless hours into a game where grinding feels like all you do.
  3. I'm not sure what happened, but between 2 days ago when I last played and today my EXP share went missing. Not sure if it's a glitch or something. I'm not back tracking to see if I can get it again, but it doesn't look like it.
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