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Posts posted by Pownstar

  1. 50193
    50053make them have a special mark overhead if they can rebattle again, and the only way to rebattle them is talk to them

    I'm a pokemon hunter / seller, so it's anoying if they keep jump out and rebattle with me -_-


    I prefer this more. It is easier for the players especially those who grind money and exp at the same time.

    Also +1 :kiss:

  2. Simple. Make a PvP set (or multiple ones) and select which one is your active PvP group, that the game will use when you enter a battle with another player.


    Just have an ability to mark up to 6 Pokemon for PvP group, without the need for them to be in your currently active team, and without being able to access them outside PC.

  3. "Do you want to dig here?"

    Well, yes. What else am I going to do here? Like, why would I even bother going here and interacting with this if not to dig? :Nervous:


    "Please select a Pokemon that knows the Dig technique."

    Why? Who cares who does it? You don't nag about this when cutting bushes... :etc:



    [glow=black]Just cut to the digging. Thanks.[/glow]

  4. As stated in original post, I realize it must be a lot of work to do so.

    And the rating would be more of a general suggestion rather than a "this is it cause I said so" kind of thing.


    And it is exactly for these reasons that I suggested it.

    People getting all worked up whenever someone asks for a rating, and being indeed too lazy to help others learn how to rate. :Nervous:


    The amount of times I see someone giving what borders on abuse when another players asks for a rate... Is why I suggested this.

  5. Suggestion:

    Automatic built-in rating system for Pokemon.



    For each Pokemon, have the game figure out, based on IVs and nature for a Pokemon (perhaps linked to the info in the Pokedex (for knowing important stats)) how 'good' the Pokemon is.

    Basically the same way players rate Pokemon, normally going by nature, IVS, ability.


    Then translating that info into a star rating up to 5 stars, which can either by empty (0 stars), half full, or full. Up to 10/10. (5 full stars)

    Every half (0,5) star being equal to 1 rating point.


    And then showing those stars (and/or greyed-out ones) in a corner or something, of the Pokemon's info window.



    [glow=red]Built-in star based rating system for Pokemon.[/glow]

    (This seems like a lot of work, but I'm sure it would make a lot of players quite happy)


    All those in favor, post! :Cool:

  6. My suggestion is simple, and would make hunting pokes that much less tedious:

    The ability to release recently (up to 10mins? ago) caught Pokemon.


    Why 10 mins? Because this way you can't (accidentally) release a Pokemon you needed to enter/leave the area (cut? flash? surf?), but you can throw back the giant piles of trash the game throws at you while hunting, without having to drag your pixelbutt to a pokecenter to do so.




    [glow=red]Ability to release Pokemon to the wild, within a short time after catching them.[/glow]


    All those in favor, post! :Cool:

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